Nature School

Best Maunakea Tours on the Big island

Frequently Asked Questions

General tours

If you choose POB, please make your payment in cash on the day of the tour to the guide who will pick you up so that there will be no change. If you choose to pay by credit card, please call us at least one day before the tour. A 4% service charge will be added to your credit card bill if you change your payment to credit card. Our phone number is 1-(808)-937-5555 (Japanese) Business hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Hawaii time. Please note that we only accept JCB, VISA, and Master credit cards.
Do tours run every day?
Yes, we run tours daily.
Can I join a tour on the day I arrive on the Big Island?
You are welcome to join the tour, but please be sure to check in at your hotel 3 hours prior to the tour pick-up time if you will be arriving on the same day on the Big Island of Hawaii. No refunds will be made if you are unable to join the tour due to flight delays or other reasons.
I booked a tour but have not received a response to my email.
We apologize, but please check your e-mail settings, etc., as there is a possibility that your e-mail may have been placed in the junk mail section. Also, please do not make reservations using a cell phone address.
Is there a liability waiver agreement for the tour?
Some tours, such as walking tours over rough ground or tours to the summit of Mauna Kea, require you to sign a liability waiver.
What is the preferred outfit for the tour?
For the "Mauna Kea Sunset and Stars" and "Mauna Kea Sunrise and Stars" please wear jeans or long pants, socks and sneakers as it gets cold. Warm clothes are available for rent (free of charge). In winter, please bring a jacket from Japan. In summer, please bring a long-sleeved parka. (You will be taken to the summit by car, so there will be no hiking on foot.) The "Kilauea Volcano and Mauna Kea Stargazing" tour will take you to the east side of the Big Island of Hawaii. It is recommended to bring a folding umbrella as it rains a lot in this area. It may also get cold during the Kilauea Volcano and stargazing tours, so please bring a light jacket. Please wear comfortable sneakers or trekking shoes for all tours.
I am pregnant. Can I participate in the tour?
The "Mauna Kea Sunset and Stars" and "Mauna Kea Sunrise and Stars" tours climb up to 4,200 meters or higher, so for safety reasons we regret that pregnant women are not permitted to participate.
I am deaf, can I enjoy the tour?
We will do our best to guide you.
Is the tour wheelchair-accessible?
車椅子や歩行器の補助が必要な方もツアーにご参加できます。 ですが、通常ツアーは混載のため他のお客様へご負担になってしまうので、「おまかせ貸切チャーター」をおすすめいたします。
Can I join the tour from Hilo?
Please refer to each tour FAQ below.

Mauna Kea Summit Sunrise and Stars Tour

Can I join the tour from Hilo?
Due to long distance travel and driving in the midnight, we are unable to accommodate participants from Hilo due to safety concerns. We appreciate your understanding.
Can you make it in time for the flight departing on that day?
If you want to participate in the tour on the day of departure, we will only accept you if your flight is after 1:00 p.m. However, you are responsible for not being able to board the plane due to traffic conditions, etc.
マウナケア山頂は標高 4200m の高地であり、訪問者は高山病にかかる危険があります。 また、標高による影響のため既往症状が悪化する可能性がありますので、健康に不安のある方は事前に医師と相談しその指示を受けることを強くお勧めします。 ツアー当日は高山病を防ぐため十分に水分補給をしてください。 また、参加前の喫煙や体内でガスを多く発生するような豆類、玉ねぎなどを含む食事は控えることをおすすめします。 山頂では脱水症状を避けるため、できるだけ多く水を飲むことをお勧めします。 必ず2人以上で行動し、1人きりにならないでください。 また、ツアーガイドに無断で行動しないようにしてください。 高地順応では走り回ったりせず、しっかりと体を休める意識で行動してください。 有害な強い紫外線から眼や体を守るためサングラスやサンスクリーンが有効です。 また、湿度が低く皮膚が乾燥しやすいので、リップクリームやローションが有効です。 山頂では決して急いで動かないようにしてください。 気分が悪いときには早い呼吸は避け、有圧呼吸法を行ってください。 大きく息を吸い込み、2秒ほど呼吸を止めるとともに、胸に圧力をかけるように力を入れた後、ゆっくり口から吸い込んだ空気を出す。 これを5、6回繰り返すと、血中の酸素濃度が上がり、楽になります。 気分が悪くなったら、我慢せず直ちに近くの者にその旨を伝えてください。 山頂においては、ツアーガイドの指示に対して疑問をさしはさまずに従ってください。 疑問に答えている間に手遅れになることがあります。 山頂での飲酒、喫煙は厳禁です。 また、山頂に行く前24時間以内の飲酒、喫煙は避けることをおすすめします。 なお、前日にスキューバダイビングをされた方、参加前12時間以内に飲酒された方、高血圧、心臓疾患、呼吸器系疾患、薬を服用されている方、医師の治療を受けている方、妊娠されている方は安全上の理由からご参加いただけません。

Mauna Kea Sunset and Stars Tour

Can I wait at the Onizuka Center since I don't have the confidence to go up to the summit?
Unfortunately, this is not possible. Regulations prohibit guides leaving clients at the Onizuka Center and going up to the summit.
You may participate if coming to Waikoloa or Onizuka Center on your own, but there will be no change in the fee. Please note that we do not accept ride-sharing, as it is prohibited by regulation to leave some guests at the Onizuka Center.
マウナケア山頂は標高 4200m の高地であり、訪問者は高山病にかかる危険があります。 また、標高による影響のため既往症状が悪化する可能性がありますので、健康に不安のある方は事前に医師と相談しその指示を受けることを強くお勧めします。 ツアー当日は高山病を防ぐため十分に水分補給をしてください。 また、参加前の喫煙や体内でガスを多く発生するような豆類、玉ねぎなどを含む食事は控えることをおすすめします。 山頂では脱水症状を避けるため、できるだけ多く水を飲むことをお勧めします。 必ず2人以上で行動し、1人きりにならないでください。 また、ツアーガイドに無断で行動しないようにしてください。 高地順応では走り回ったりせず、しっかりと体を休める意識で行動してください。 有害な強い紫外線から眼や体を守るためサングラスやサンスクリーンが有効です。 また、湿度が低く皮膚が乾燥しやすいので、リップクリームやローションが有効です。 山頂では決して急いで動かないようにしてください。 気分が悪いときには早い呼吸は避け、有圧呼吸法を行ってください。 大きく息を吸い込み、2秒ほど呼吸を止めるとともに、胸に圧力をかけるように力を入れた後、ゆっくり口から吸い込んだ空気を出す。 これを5、6回繰り返すと、血中の酸素濃度が上がり、楽になります。 気分が悪くなったら、我慢せず直ちに近くの者にその旨を伝えてください。 山頂においては、ツアーガイドの指示に対して疑問をさしはさまずに従ってください。 疑問に答えている間に手遅れになることがあります。 山頂での飲酒、喫煙は厳禁です。 また、山頂に行く前24時間以内の飲酒、喫煙は避けることをおすすめします。 なお、前日にスキューバダイビングをされた方、参加前12時間以内に飲酒された方、高血圧、心臓疾患、呼吸器系疾患、薬を服用されている方、医師の治療を受けている方、妊娠されている方は安全上の理由からご参加いただけません。

Big Island FAQs

What is the best outfit for Mauna Kea on the Big Island?
Even in Hawaii, the temperature usually drops below 20°C at altitudes exceeding 2,000 m. At Nature School, we recommend clothes such as long pants that are easy to move and stretch not only to prevent cold but also for safety. Also, please wear comfortable shoes rather than flip flops or sandals. Please check each tour information for specific clothing or other items.
What are the main modes of transportation for sightseeing on the Big Island?
Currently, most tourists rent a car; the Hele-On Bus goes around on designated routes, making it easy to get to hotels, shopping centers, beaches, and other major tourist attractions by checking the timetable and routes in advance, but it is difficult to read the time.
Where are the most recommended beaches on the Big Island?
Hapuna Beach is the first beach that comes to mind when one thinks of beaches on the Big Island of Hawaii, and was voted the No. 1 beach in the United States in 2021. It is a rare white sand beach on the Big Island of Hawaii, where lava is the most common type of beach. Beach Sixtynine Waialea Bay, commonly known as Waialea Bay, is located in Puako. It is a favorite beach for local residents rather than tourists. It is recommended for those who want to spend a relaxing time at a secluded beach. Anaeho'omalu Bay, also known as A-bay, is located within the Waikoloa Resort and is frequented by guests of the resort. It is a wide beach famous for its beautiful sunset. Manini'owali Beach, also known as Kua Bay, is about a 10-minute drive from the Kona airfield. It is a popular beach with the locals, but in the winter and throughout the year, the waves can be high in the afternoon, so mornings are recommended. Kahalu'u Beach is recommended for snorkeling. Lifeguards are always on duty to ensure your safety. The parking lot fills up relatively quickly, so wake up early to get there!
What are the recommended farmers markets on the Big Island of Hawaii?
Farmers' markets on the Big Island of Hawaii are open-air markets with fresh vegetables, fruits, and Hawaiian specialties grown by local farmers. Here are some recommendations. Waimea Parker School Farmer's Market is located in the town of Waimea and is known for its delicious acai bowls. The Waimea Parker School Farmer's Market is a farmer's market in the town of Waimea. There are also food stalls selling Thai food, crepes, etc., so if you get hungry, you can grab a bite to eat. Keauhou Shopping Center is held every Saturday at the Keauhou Shopping Center and offers fresh fruits, vegetables, and crafts from local artists. It is also a great place to discover Kona coffee from local farmers that is not retailed in supermarkets. The South Kona Green Market stands near the Manago Hotel. In addition to food stores, there are also fortune tellers and massage booths, making it an enjoyable market to visit even if you just go around. Maku'u Farmer's Market is the largest farmer's market on the Big Island of Hawaii, located on the east side of the island on the way to Kalapana, Puna, and Pahoa. The market offers a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, Hawaiian flowers, freshly baked breads and pastries, Thai and Indian food stalls, and much more.